Summer Internship Program (SIP) 2017

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Inspiria Knowledge Campus has always been doing activities and organising programs for the betterment and advancement of the students. Heading forward with a firm aim and vision to make students employable, the step taken this summer i.e. the Summer Internship Program (SIP) has led this institution to a different level altogether. An out of the way and extra initiative (i.e. beyond curriculum) was made by the college for students, in which they have been sent to respected and reputed organisations for industry exposure and training. Most of the students have been placed successfully in their respective area of interest, in National Media and Corporate houses, Hospitality and IT sectors.

Also Read: How Inspiria is Transforming Education through Technology!

The whole idea behind this program was to indulge the students in a constructive and productive utilization of time and their summer break. Across culture, learning was also one of the motives of this program, where students were given the opportunity to move out of their shell. In the process, they acquire a better acceptance, understanding and live with people of different ideologies and mind set in a professional setup. Also, they will get an understanding of the social-economic development of different parts of the nation.

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Students now have a clear idea about their potentials and their weaknesses. Thus, are able to make the best decision of their area of specialization. A huge level of confidence boost has been noticed in the students. This visit has added on their peripheral vision towards their life, career and goals in life.

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