Inspirians at “The Raas – The Epitome Of Love”

Gandhi believed that a true Vaishnav is one who can empathize. On the other hand, the ebullient Vidyapati fabricates the fervent fantasy of Radha Krishna through his enormous hymns, like: “May our kingThe lord of five provinces of GourLive forever.” Inspirians-performing-at-The-Raas The aforementioned extract from Vidyapati’s work was translated by Tagore and he had his […]
Key to Impressive Digital Photographs: An Enthusiast’s Perspective

Digital photography has many advantages over traditional film photography – practically, technically, creatively and even economically. Nearly 99% percent of all the cameras sold today are digital, but it is a handful minority of photographers who are able to use the massive power of digital cameras combined with advanced computer based image processing to their […]
Mass Media the Global Medium

It is impossible to imagine a day without communication. In recent years we have seen an unprecedented rise in the communication technology and media. It has transcended all boundaries and the entire global community has been brought under one unified umbrella. Wherever we go or wherever we stay- In our everyday life we keep ourselves […]
Career Options in the Media Industry

There was a time when career prospects in mass communication were rather limited! As a mass communicator you could become a journalist or a radio producer. Openings in the world of advertising or in the film industry were few and far between. Today the scenario is quite the opposite. We are living in an era […]