The First Month

Inside This Article

Converting a Dream into Reality

The founders of Inspiria Knowledge Campus wished to set up a world-class educational institution!
Initially it was an idea, nothing more. Slowly and gradually the idea began to turn to reality as the magnificent campus eventually began to take shape. Soon, at the beginning of this year, we were all set to start. Affiliations and other necessary formalities followed and by June the first students enrolled themselves.

At the end of July the excitement in the campus was palpable. The die was cast and on the 3rd of August the classes began.
The dream was converted to reality.

What no one expected was how so quickly the institution settled in its groove! In the first week the administration was alert, the teachers cautious and the students eager and curios. Thank God teething problems that any new start-up faces were few and far between. And in just one month’s time everyone became tuned to their daily routine at Inspiria. Today it seems the institution has been around for ages as we look all set with four interesting under graduate courses. In future we shall see many more under graduate programmes hopefully.

The classes continue with a sense of new found zeal and enthusiasm, the exciting co-curricular activities continue side-by side! Faculty members and students discover the joy and thrill of working in a paper-less environment. And one month after its glorious beginning, life at Inspiria carries on….
At Inspiria, our students are our dearest possession. Indeed we exist for them. Here’s looking to a long and happy future for Inspiria.

(Have a look at our campus)

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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