12 CBSE Board Exam 2023 Tips and Suggestions To Score 90%

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All good things need preparation. The simple rule of finding success in anything is to be prepared for everything.

Being a 12th-standard student means immense pressure to score high so that you can get into good colleges. This pressure on top of a huge pile of syllabus only results in stress. And trust me, this stress is not good for someone who is going to appear in board exams and especially score higher. Good scores for class 12 students usually mean 90% or even higher. Yes, this is the expected standard. But how easy is it to reach that high? Well, hate to break it down to you but it is not that easy. You need to have dedication and determination, you need to have your vision clear and your game plan ready. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but If you really want to score 90% or more; below are tips and suggestions which can help you achieve your goal.

Also read: Last Minute Study Tips for Board Exams

Set Small Goals

First and foremost you should know where you stand with your syllabus. This means competing with yourself. You can set small goals for yourself, to check how much you have taken up the syllabus and what is your present score. To do this, look at your past self, and calculate your percentage from any previous exams, or tests you have given. You can even take the past year’s questions and solve the entire paper as if giving an exam. Check your answer sheet, now set that result as the benchmark and challenge yourself to score higher the next time. Suppose you scored 50% on this test, challenge yourself to score at least 55% or 60% per cent in the next one. Keep setting these small goals for yourself and once you start overcoming the challenges you will have gotten a lot ahead from where you started. This means by the time you appear for the real exam you can definitely score 90%.

Stick to NCERT

Believe me when I say the NCERT textbook is your holy grail for the CBSE board. It is seen that many students divert their focus to reference books and other study materials once they start preparing for the boards. But no, stick to NCERT if you want to score higher marks. The maximum questions for CBSE boards are inspired by NCERT textbooks. Go through concepts, definitions, examples, formulae, diagrams and exercises of your NCERT textbooks.

This doesn’t mean reference books are not useful at all, they are indeed useful if you are planning to appear in entrance exams after the boards. But before that, your goal is to score 90% and to do that you have to stick to the NCERT.

Make Small Notes

If you want to know the tips for how to prepare for CBSE Class 10 exam 2023 in one month, then you should know that in 3 months, you will be able to cover entire syllabus once or twice at maximum.
So, while studying, you should make short notes of important points, topic highlights, important formulas and other things. These short notes will be much helpful for you to understand the topics quickly a few days before the CBSE 10th exam as you will make it in your own language and style

Increased Study Hours with Time Management

Class 12 students must have heard this a thousand times, how important time management is. It cannot be emphasised more for CBSE board exams. If you really aim to score 90% or more you need to at least study 8 to 10 hours. If you were previously studying for less than these hours you need to gear up and increase your dedicated time. During this time, focus more on your weak points. Keep studying them, until you are a hundred per cent confident with the concept.

Studying 10 hours doesn’t mean draining yourself completely. During this time, always get 8 hours of sleep. It is very important to reset your mind so that you grasp what you learn. Study subjects you find tough in the morning so that you can retain them in your memory for longer.

The Night Before and the Day of the Exam

Sleep early the night before. Yes, you read it right! Do not stay up late trying to make up for the lost time. You have learned enough and you know enough; have faith in yourself and just revise where you still have little doubts about and keep your books aside. Rather indulge in some recreational activities to clear your mind. Playing some board games and music is great. Sleep extra early so that you get an ample amount of sleep, this results in your brain being reset and fresh in the morning.

Also read: Study Tips and Tricks for the night before the exam

During the day of the exam, avoid touching any long or new topics. Just give a brief revision of your notes if you have to. Make sure you travel lightly to your exam centre i.e. do not carry any extra notes, textbooks and notebooks. Refrain from discussing topics with friends. Once you get the question papers, read each question thoroughly and frame a format for your answer in the mind. Attempt long answer questions (5 marks) first. During the first half of the exam. Your mind is fresh then so you can write answers for the 5-mark questions well and you can pay more attention to detail. If you leave them for later you may find yourself short of time.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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