Should You Opt For Higher Studies Or Professional Experience?

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The most frequent question answered during interactions with students is – Do I go pursue higher studies or start working? It is understandably the most valid and biggest dilemma weighing on most students today. Here’s some information to chew on – At IIM Calcutta, the Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration Batch of 2017-19 had an average work experience of at least 2 years *. So completing your education all the way before working might seem like the best way forward. But take a step back and think again!

To some extent, you realize that your school/college was selected based on your parent’s decisions or it could be your friend’s/peer’s choices. Now that you are stepping into a more mature phase of your life. The call for being absolutely certain about the path you walk is of utmost importance. After investing a hefty sum of money and valuable time, if you were to realize that an MBA was probably not the right decision; it would be too late. As a consequence, the loss would be acute. Be it your time, energy, hard work, money, etc.. The decision to work for a while – before proceeding for other things could apparently remain the ultimate and most important educational phase in your life. The decision to practically indulge in the field might possibly provide you clarity regarding the best or suitable career path for you.

If you have decided to pursue an MBA, it makes sense to do it from the best possible option. To get into the best B-Schools, clearing the competitive exam alone is not enough. Applications to the best B-schools will be best served with a mention of your work experience. This will definitely give your application an edge over your peers. And if you are one of those, who don’t have high scores to highlight from 10th,12th or graduation, then a solid work experience will impersonate an essential part in enhancing your profile.

Until a few years back, for most students, education was about reading, writing and learning whatever that was inscribed in textbooks. This process continues even today for many students in our country. They pursue a course or obtain a degree without any scope. Nor they bother to wonder “how” and “what” they are learning would ever help them in their everyday lives.

In a B-school, relating real-world scenarios, identifying problems and coming up with solutions is an integral part of the curriculum. Few years of experience in the real world will make it easier to comprehend the subjects being taught and use the same to solve problems. Gone are the days when rote or mindlessly learning would help you score well. Reputed B-schools focus on case study solving and understanding concepts. Work experience will make this learning process meaningful.

Graduates with prior work experience are given preference by most of the elite colleges across the globe. It is not surprising truth that even the recruiters or the colleges prefer to consider candidates with work experience rather than those without any.
Frankly speaking, the most truthful reason for joining a reputed B-school is to start a career with a big company with a better/higher pay package. Having a good work experience to complement your academic performance will surely play a vital role when recruiters come visiting your B-School.
So before you decide on the most important and valuable qualification of your life that calls for your entire focus, what do you think you should do?
Work for a few years and gain valuable experience that will help you choose the right path or jump straight into the deep end and regret the mistake. I sincerely suggest the former.

Also Read: How to choose your perfect career?

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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