
InCov App: Patient Data Management Made Simpler for Healthcare Workers

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Inspiria Knowledge Campus has taken a step forward and come up with an application for doctors and health warriors to fight Covid – 19 efficiently

The battle with coronavirus has been nothing less than a battle with time for everyone. But this remains especially true for healthcare workers. More so during this second wave. The same 24 hours may feel awfully long to those stuck at home but to the healthcare workers, it’s another day gone in a blink of an eye.

On May 7th India recorded more than 4 Lakh cases, the highest single-day spike and a world record in itself.

With the daily increasing list of patients coming in, the challenges have been endless for healthcare workers. One of the most problematic being data mismanagement. According to the frontline workers, they’re struggling to feed piles of record logs on the computer.

It’s a known fact how important a patient’s medical data is when it comes to monitoring their progress. But with healthcare workers having to deal with double the number of their expected list of patients a day apparently has been taking away their time dedicated to data management.

Knowing the gravity of the situation and with a dedication to be of some help, the department of Hospital Management and the Department of Computer Science at Inspiria Knowledge Campus came up with a solution. The team built an application specially designed for doctors to feed in patient records on their smartphones.

The sole purpose of the application is to organize medical data storage. The flow of the application has been kept simple keeping in mind the panic-stricken situations healthcare workers come across. Since it is available on the smartphone, data feeding becomes swift and data access becomes easier.

The development of the InCoV app is just a small initiative by the institution to help fight the covid-19 battle. It has been made available for use by any medical professional completely FREE.

All you need to do is send your name and email at . After you’ve been verified as a medical professional and registered, you’ll experience a whole different level of patient data management.

Let’s understand the idea behind InCoV app better by the following QnA:

Q: Multiple apps are coming every day, how does this app stands different and cater to the current need?

A: Yes, several covid related apps are coming up almost every day, but 99% of these are “information dissemination” apps ie. these apps just take inputs from anyone and displays information from their database (Example: Enter pin to know bed, oxygen, etc availability)

This is where InCoV stands apart from these apps. It is specifically made for Doctors and Frontline Warriors and not for public use and too totally free of cost

Q: What is the current problem faced by the doctors & how is this app solving the problem?

A: Doctors are overloaded with consultation and most of them are COVID cases. The case management is long (at least 14 days). Doctors find it difficult to keep track of the patient’s case management.

This app helps in keeping the record handy for the case management of COVID patients efficiently by:

  • Managing all their covid patient’s data at their fingertips.
  • Helping to monitor data for teleconsultation
  • Generating an overall health report of all the patients

Q: What inspired us for InCoV?

A: Among many of the degree programs that Inspiria Knowledge Campus offers, BBA in Hospital Management counts as one of them. Since our students are placed in hospitals and healthcare industries after graduating from this course, we stay in constant touch with them.

During the 2nd covid wave we came to know about the pain point of doctors as they were dealing with an increasing number of patients every day and it brought in front of them a challenge of data mismanagement.

That was the time when Inspiria thought of taking a step forward and come up with an application for doctors and health warriors to fight Covid – 19 efficiently

Watch the InCoV App in action!


For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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