Inspiria Knowledge Campus was obliged with the presence of Amit Jain, Uber-President, India. Mr Amit heads all business strategy, operations, and growth in a market of global strategic importance for Uber in India. An alumnus of IIT Delhi and Stanford University, Mr Jain has previously worked with TPG Capital, Nexeo Solutions and McKinsey & Co. Mr Jain shared his in-depth experience in consulting and leading operations for multinational companies with a primary focus on Uber and its functioning. The prospects of the online transportation network in India and the measures adopted to constantly improve the service from the point of view of the customers.

The new innovations adopted to make the service more customer friendly and accessible. The contribution of Uber towards employment was also discussed elaborately along with an extensive interaction session with the concerned faculties, students and staff members of Inspiria.
Uber Technologies Inc. is an American worldwide online transportation network company headquartered in San Francisco, California. It develops, markets and operates the Uber app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request, which the software program then automatically sends to the Uber driver nearest to the consumer, alerting the driver to the location of the customer.