Recipe of the day – Cheese Bell Pepper Roll

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Recipe of the  day after cooking a meal for our group of 40 people the students of Culinary Arts and their mentor Chef Sudipta Mukherjee wanted to create something which could be done quickly and still have a distinct flavor. Looking in the refrigerator they found lovely red and yellow bell peppers and it gave them an idea to incorporate it in their bread with cheese to give it even a yummier feel.

Cheese Bell Pepper Roll


Make the dough in straight dough method.
Keep the dough 20 mins for fermentation.
knock back and scale the dough of 75grms each.
Roll the dough as a rectangular shape.
Sprinkle black pepper put the filling in the middle.
Fold from both side end.
Keep on a greased try apart from each other.
Bake at 230° for 15 min.

Once the dish was complete, we were all given to taste a portion of the recipe. Most of the people appreciated the recipe while many of them liked the warm blend of pepper and tasty cheese that comes out of the roll perfectly melted.

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