
Dreams Are Meant to be Fulfilled

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An afternoon with Sumit Sinhal

The day was cloudy and windy, with signs of intermittent rain in between. Nor the persistent drizzle or the grim weather prevented a good crowd of young students from attending the third of our Inspiring Story Series. In fact, the enthusiasm among the students was palpable as they listened with rapt attention to Mr Sumit Sinhal the Managing Director of Kins Advanced Diabetes Care Clinic as he provided an insight into the art of converting dreams a reality.

Sinhal has an interesting background. He studied business management in Hyderabad and then in Australia, following up with specialization degrees in Hospital Management. He also completed courses in risk management and insurance planning. His diversified portfolio reflects his widely varying interests in the field of management. Moreover, Sinhal received an award for excellence in corporate training. He also represented India in Switzerland for the Youth Exchange Program

Combined with his own life experience and expertise, Sinhal motivated the young crowd to follow their dreams. He stressed on the need of the hour, risk, team work, motivation and various other aspects to turn a dream into reality. He encouraged the present generation to read and also presented few books of value and encouragement for the Inspiria library.

During the session, he shared how he acquired a health care firm that was suffering a loss of around 5 lacs a month. This decision was not easy. He added “Me & my team gave all our heart & sweat in market research, brainstorming & other activities that finally helped us in identifying the right service that we could offer to the people. This is where the idea of launching a dedicated Diabetic Clinic at Siliguri.” Kins Advanced Diabetes Care Clinic is now making profits of Rs. 50 lacs per year! Now that’s an achievement!

As informed earlier, The Inspiria Inspiring Story Series will continue – so we look forward to another session with another inspiring young India.

You can view/download the presentation from below

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