Transforming Education With Technology

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Science education must become an integral part of school education; and ultimately some study of science should become a part of all courses in the humanities and social sciences at the university stage, even as the teaching of science can be enriched by the inclusion of some elements of the humanities and social sciences.

The quality of science teaching has also to be raised considerably so as to achieve its proper objectives and purposes, namely, to promote an ever deepening understanding of basic principles, to develop pro¬blem-solving and analytical skills and the ability to apply them to the problems of the material environment and social living, and to promote the spirit of enquiry and experimenta¬tion.

Technology – having been seen as evil and promise the same time the truth probably lying somewhere in the middle. Similar might be the situation if it comes to the question of how the role of technology is considered within educational settings. Such consideration is the purpose of this research paper. To do so the term technology in education is distinguished from the term educational technoloy/technologies as well as technology education.

Education and Technology

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