Vedant Bajaj – Entrepreneur with a different outlook

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All great things start from something simple. Vedant Bajaj a very modest and simple person with high ambition in life, is into tea business. ‘Kesarbari Chai’ the brand name of his tea, of which they are into blending and packing. Vedant Bajaj in partnership with his cousin Ashis Agarwal is managing the tea business. His vision is to provide good tea to markets outside Darjeeling district. The wholesale market in Bihar is his present market, but his targeted market is Europe and Russia. Quality is his main focus, as a native of Darjeeling district which is the home of tea production he feels the need to supply good quality tea outside of Darjeeling.

As a budding entrepreneur he got his initial business classes from his father, who is into pesticide business. He along with seven other friends have another intellectual business plan along the pipeline. Their aim is to connect the small city students to the big fishes in the intellectual field in the market. ‘QUIZZORA’ online quizzing and panel discussion is their next venture. He feels that every student should get an opportunity to groom themselves with the help of professionals, online grooming is also part of their next venture.

Vedant Bajaj with his team Bye-Loads at YuStart 2015

Vedant a BBA student of Inspiria Knowledge Campus loves to write stories and his focus audience are children. A karate yellow belt loves digital reading. He feels he can study better digitally than through books. He loves to chat and make friends. His motto in life is whatever comes along or happens, one should move on without looking back. He was one of the members of Inspirias team Bye – Load that bagged the fourth place in the YuSTART 2015 business plan competition organized by Young Indians in Bangalore.

Inspiria is proud to add value to the life of students like Vedant Bajaj who are focused and have set goals in life.

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