
Why Practise BHSEC XII Past Papers; Where to Find Them?

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BHSEC or Bhutan Higher Secondary Examination Certificate is equivalent to AISSCE, All India Senior School Certificate commonly known as Class XII CBSE board examination. Bhutan Council for School Examinations & Assessment facilitates BHSEC and conducts the exam annually at the end of the year, usually in December. Since it is one of the most important examinations for higher secondary students, there is always an ample amount of pressure on them. An excellent performance in BHSEC means a higher chance of getting into good colleges and enrolling into the desired courses. One of the many tips given to the BHSEC exam givers is practising past papers i.e. solving previous year questions. Now, how is it helpful? Let’s find out.


Students can use BHSEC past papers as a tool for self evaluation because once you solve that first paper, the result will let you know where you stand. Not only that, but as you advance further in your study and revisions, past papers can give you real time evaluation. This makes it easy for you to identify your weak points. You can address them by spending more time going through and revising them. Covering the syllabus becomes easy.

Time Management

One of the most known struggles of an exam giver is time management. Once you start the paper, you get so lost in it you lose track of time. It so happens most of the time that you get extremely involved in a single question. This results in having to leave questions unsolved when the last bell rings. This is where practice of past papers comes in handy. You learn time management as you practise previous year papers because you go through the paper pattern and marking scheme.

Confidence Boost

As you solve the past papers and see good results, you will automatically see a boost in your confidence. First, it is because you become habitual of seeing and solving the paper and second because the more you practice, the more syllabus you cover. You become better aware of your shortcomings and continuously strive to overcome them. This results in a confident exam giver.

Practice makes a man perfect

School students come across this proverb almost every single day, and this fits perfectly with practising past papers. Once you get in the habit of solving question papers, you get thorough with the syllabus. Once you acknowledge and work on your weaknesses, you grow closer to conquering the syllabus. Not only that, but you also overcome your fears and nerves, which makes giving the actual paper easy.

Where to find BHSEC XII Past Papers

You can follow these steps to download BHSEC XII past papers
• Go to
• From the navigation menu click on DOWNLOADS, a new page opens
• From the options given on the page click on Download right across Past Question Papers. You will be directed to a new page
• In the new page, Select your class from class column i.e. BHSEC, select the desired subject, select the desired year and click on download


For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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