Chetan Jain – The Unpretentious

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The self effacing Chetan Jain of the Department of Computer Science, first year is our next feature for the Rising Star. The death of his best friend at the age of sixteen changed his perspective towards life, it made him realize that tomorrow might not come. This emotional blow and realization gave him a total new outlook towards life. His new motto is “ Today is what I have and I will live for it”.’

This young vibrant youngster likes to try his hand at everything. He gives equal importance to studies as well as extracurricular activities. He was the top scorer in class ten in the Darjeeling area and also the highest scorer among the whole of the first years in College. Other than his studies he is a quizzer, rapper, dancer etc. Awards and achievements are not new to him, his latest achievement was when he came first for the event Minute to Fame at INNOVISION 2017. Travelling and making friends is something he loves doing.

Chetan Jain performing at Independence Day 2017

Even though he feels that there is nothing much that he can do to change the evils in the society, he want to use his rapping talent to address the evil norms that prevail in the Indian society. Any change or reform that can be done is now or never. Being a techie his desire is to excel in the Technical field.

For a movie buff and someone who lives every day to the fullest, Chetan believes in happiness tied to success – a virtue rare among the rarest!

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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