
How to score 99% Marks in Board Exams Tips to become Topper?

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Tips to score 99% marks

A topper’s rank is the most coveted status when it comes to cracking the class 12 board exams. Students gearing up for the upcoming board exams must be quite concerned about ‘how to score good marks in the 12th board exam’. If you dream of securing the highest position in the board exam results, then you need to maintain a stable and regular study plan without fail. All the students appearing for the class 12 board exams, read this blog that precisely talks about ‘how to score 99% marks in 12th board exams tips to become topper.

1. Set a positive mindset

A positive mindset is the essence of strength that helps you accomplish your goals no matter how hard the journey may be. Board examinations are often perceived as the toughest hurdles and a major threat by a majority of students. However, you must keep in mind that board exams are neither threats nor competitions, it’s a medium of making your learning better. So, always stay inspired from within.

2. Begin your preparation early

Most of you tend to pay less attention to the school textbooks at the beginning of the academic year. If your ultimate goal is to score the highest marks on the board, then develop the habit of early preparation. Revise the covered chapters on a regular basis. Early preparation helps you in memorizing them in the long run. Early preparation is one of the ‘top tips to score the highest marks in 12th board exams.

3. Understand the syllabus pattern

Oftentimes, we get trapped amid extensively long notes and complex calculus problems. So, ‘how to score 99% marks in 12th board exams?’. We tend to get nervous and terrified by the number of chapters due for study and revision. Every examination board follows a specific and exclusive exam pattern. Thus, it’s important that you get well familiarized with the syllabus pattern, as this breaks the complexity and makes the preparation easy and stress-free.

4. Improve your writing skills

Writing matters because it represents you. Bad, untidy, and unreadable handwriting will create a bad impression on the examiner. You cannot risk writing the answers the way you did at your 9th standard. The best way to improve your writing skills is to practice it. As you study, write down the answers in neat handwriting. This will help you memorize your answers for a long time. It also improves your handwriting and writing skills, which is highly beneficial for the long run in any professional domain.

5. Practice mock examinations by solving the previous years’ questions

You can score outstanding marks on boards if your preparation is well-planned. One of the recommended or, ‘top tips to score highest marks in 12th board exams’ is to solve the previous years’ questions. Practice mock board exams on your own with the previous years’ questions as this will help you understand the question pattern, the amount of time required, and the areas where you need improvement.

6. Do not ignore your School’s Text Books

When it comes to boards, the majority of the examinees are more dependent on the guidebooks and the notes provided in the classrooms. Some depend on unreliable sources on the internet and get prone to losing their grades. Thoroughly studying your school book is one of the best ‘board exam tips and tricks. Your school books are a reliable source, in which each subject chapter is strategized as per the syllabus pattern.

7. Avail help from your mentors

They say ‘you will find what you seek’. If you want to know ‘how to score good marks in the 12th board exam’, then seek help for every little doubt. Most of the students tend to feel shy in asking for help from their teachers or mentors. Most of them never do for the fear of being judged, or for being labeled as a slow learners, etc. With the burdened doubts in your mind, your anxiety will worsen. Thus, never hesitate to ask for help concerning your studies during the board exam preparation.

Also Read: Top common mistakes students make in a Board Exam

8. Do not neglect the class/pre-board tests

We often overlook the importance of class tests and pre-board tests. Most of us regard it as unnecessary and never look towards its preparation. We fail to realize that preparing for the class tests and the pre-board tests itself is an effective step towards the board exam preparation. Never overlook the pre-board test questions and the marks they carry, as they could be the probable questions that are more likely to be repeated in your boards.

9. Make a routine, Pay equal attention to every subject

If you want to learn ‘how to score good marks in the 12th board exam’, then you need to stay organized in terms of preparation. Draft a study routine dividing equal time for each subject. For effective preparation, begin studying by picking the easiest and your favorite subject. This technique helps you adapt to the mode of studying and enjoy the board exam preparation. In the course of preparation, make sure you pay equal attention to each subject, be it your favorite or the one that you dislike.

10. Take care of your health and Don’t get stressed

Board exam preparation can be really exhausting. Amid the hassle and juggling between books, notes, and anxiety, you might forget to take care of yourself. Always remember to take good care of your health. A healthy body is the foundation of a sound mind and better retention power and will contribute to board examination preparation to a great extent. Eat healthily, drink enough water, maintain a regular time for sleeping and getting up, and more. Keep the stress level at bay by meditating.

Stay positive and believe in yourself. Ensure the presence of mind during studies. Fall in love with whatever you do, even if it’s solving a tough calculus problem. If you dream of success and strive towards your goal, it will be yours.

We wish you all the best for your boards.

11. Revise on a regular basis

Revision is significant practice before appearing in the exam. It helps to memorize the topics and understand the important chapters of the subject. It ensures the weaker points and topics for the particular subject. Moreover, revision on regular basis will help you to remember facts and methodologies that you learned months ago.  If you correctly practice revision on a daily basis it will boost your confidence. 

12. Try to find your loopholes 

To achieve a good score in exams you have continuously work on yourself. It is important for you to find the loopholes and your weakness. This practice will help to strengthen your weaknesses and will enable you to score higher marks in your exams. If you are keen to identify your weaknesses there is no turning back. 

13. Try innovative study techniques

Studying and hardwork can be more interesting if you apply innovative study techniques. This will help you to enhance your concentration level while studying. The practice of innovative studying techniques increases your efficiency and boosts your ability to critically thinking and problem-solving.

14. Get enough sleep 

When you are preparing for exams try to maintain a sleep schedule this helps you a lot. A good sleeping schedule creates a significant impact on your academic performance. You need to allow yourself to take 7-8 hours of sleep every night. This will allow you to be productive and brighten up your mood to be more productive. 

15. Take a mock test 

To score good grades in exams all you need to do is take a mock test of that particular subject before appearing in the exam. This will help you to implement the strategy to ace the exam. If you are highly dedicated to solving lots of mock tests before an exam you will get an idea of your strength and weakness in a particular subject.

Also Read: Tips and tricks to get above 90 Percent in CBSE 12th Board Exam 2019

Also Read: Top 10 ways how to concentrate on studies before the exam

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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