Why choose BBA After 12 ? Expert Speaks

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Why should you do a BBA course. There are too many answers to elaborate here. In short, BBA creates the ground for you to excel in the world of business and commerce – either as a corporate professional, or an entrepreneur or as a researcher/theoretical expert/ business consultant.

In Inspiria the benefit of looking to study BBA is even more attractive. Reason – the institution offers a range of specialized BBA courses beside the general BBA course such as BBA (Entrepreneurship), BBA (Sports Management), BBA (Accountancy), BBA (Hospital Management) and BBA (Global Business). Let us look at some of these specialized BBA UG courses.

BBA (Accountancy)

Accounting is the most crucial & integral part of any economy & business. No business or economies can standalone without proper accounting. Systematic study that contributes to Mergers & Acquisition; Finances & Accounts; Corporate Risk & Investments Strategies counts as a most important part of BBA Accountancy, Taxation & Audit program.

It offers in-depth knowledge in accounting and financial subjects by different means such as classroom teachings, seminars, projects, practical training, industrial visits, conferences, expert talks etc. The course helps students to acquire knowledge in the field of accounting, taxation, auditing, risk management, financial accounting, taxation, managerial economics, business law and business communications.

The main aim of the program is to increase self-employment and to help companies by providing them with suitably trained professionals with decision-making capabilities for maximum value creation in cost, investment, corporate governance, tax and risk management related areas.

BBA (Global Business)

Beside the general BBA subjects , an extra focus is directed towards those areas which help students to learn the basics of international trade. These include Global Regulatory Framework, Global Business, Environment Management, Business Economics, Project, Sales & Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Financial Management , Research Methodology.

BBA (Entrepreneurship)

Entrepreneurship is the need of hour. In the present condition, where the joblessness rate is taking off up, An Entrepreneurs can make an occupation for himself as well as for some others and contribute towards the economic development of our nation.

The word Entrepreneurship came from the French verb entreprendre, meaning “To Undertake”. The course will nurture the aspiring Entrepreneurs with all the related skills and knowledge to undertake a start-up. Also, This course gives a different point of view toward the Entrepreneurship and understanding the different exercises taken up by an Entrepreneur. It will also further help the student to identify the problem and then solve it. Thus, formulating an economical benefit out of it.

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BBA (Sports Management)

Sports Management is specially designed to provide comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of Sports Management and Physical Education. Specialization in Sports Management provides an insight into various administrative tasks, marketing and promotion, sponsorships, negotiations, governance of sports, technologies involved, facility planning and sports event management. On the other hand the Physical Education part helps get a holistic understanding of coaching, anatomy and physiology, sports science, injury management, strength and conditioning, kinesiology and biomechanics.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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