
How To Become A Digital Artist

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One of the biggest misconceptions about being a digital artist is the idea that you have to be absolutely super in computers – a computer geek really. Mastering the use of designing/animation software is the key to becoming a successful digital artist is what many simple-minded people think.

Nothing could be far from the truth. The assumption behind such a generalized idea about digital artists is the fact that the computer programmes are the driving forces behind digital art. What is missed out is the plain and simple truth – that the digital artist is an artist first, a computer professional second. In other words he/she is an artist who uses the computer instead of the drawing pencil or the paint brush.

So the first thing to keep in mind about becoming a digital artist is that you have to have the artist in you. Even if you are not professionally trained as an artist you must have the natural knack and the sense of balance, symmetry and design which artists have in them naturally.

Thus the first step towards becoming a digital artist is to have some knowledge about art first, possibly have some basic training as an artist.

Second – Learn 3D early. Being familiar with 3D helps you to get ideas related necessary for creating volumes and shapes, light and shadow.

Third – don’t get hung on technology. If you shift your focus from art to technology while on the path towards becoming a digital artists, there is a chance you will lose the way. Technology is secondary to art.

Fourth – focus specifically on design. What is art without design and vice-versa. Technology will help you to produce some outstanding work from the technological perspective – great rendering, lighting etc. However if the work is not supported by good designing then it becomes less interesting in terms of shape, proportion and balance.

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Fifth – Work very hard. Artistic talent and creativity goes in vain unless backed by very hard work. You have to work, work and work.

Sixth – Develop your natural tastes and stay true to them- Every individual is unique. In order to be an artist (any artist – digital or otherwise) the secret is to be true to your taste and not just run after a style which is becoming the latest trend. Art is an expression of the personality of the artist and it should always remain so.

Finally, it helps to remember once again that it is not the computer which is producing art but you the digital artist. You are using the computer like a pencil or a brush- that’s all.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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