You are a reasonably good student having performed well in your examinations. You wish to study in a good institution like Inspiria which provides the very best in terms of infrastructural support. However there is one factor that is obstructing your goal – affordability or the lack of it!
We understand that not everyone is blessed with a sound financial background. Hardships, ill luck and persisting problems are a part of life. We say to you – do not be disheartened. All hope is not lost.

For such students we are going to introduce our scholarship scheme. Details will soon be announced in our website . So if you wish to study BBA (Hons), BCA (Hons) or B.Sc (Media Sciences) and have performed well in your intermediate exams (ISC, CBSE or Higher Secondary or any other board), do not let your financial position be a hurdle to your aims! Call us right away or log on to our website. The scholarship will soon be announced. Good Luck!