WBCHSE (West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education) Result 2022

WBCHSE 2022 Results declared

The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) just published the results date for the 2022 Class 12 Board Examination. After a two-year hiatus caused by pandemic procedures, the class 12 Board Examination was held in an offline format. The results are expected to be released on June 10 at 11 a.m. Students will […]

Inauguration Ceremony – Rotaract Club of Inspiria Knowledge Campus

Inauguration Ceremony Rotaract Club of Inspiria Knowledge Campus

On 28th May 2022 the inauguration of a new club took place in Inspiria known as the Rotaract Club which is an international club with the main motive of members exchanging ideas with leaders in the community, developing leadership, process skills, and social services. The president was handed over the collar and the certificate by […]

Impact of IoT applications in Smart Home automation

IoT application in home

“Home automation” refers to the automatic and electronic control of household features, activities, and appliances usually with IoT applications. In simple terms, it means you can easily control the utilities and features of your home via the Internet to make life more convenient and secure and even spend less on household bills.  How does home […]

Inspiria Design Exhibition 2022

design Exhibition

On the 29th and 30th of April 2022 the Inspiria Design Exhibition, the first one of its kind, was held at Ramkinkar Hall, Dinabandhu Mancha, Siliguri. The exhibition features an eclectic assembly of more than 200 pieces of works of the students and professors belonging to the school of design at the Inspiria knowledge campus. […]

Tech stars Startup Weekend 2022 | Inspiria Knowledge Campus

Startup 2022

Inspiria Knowledge Campus held its flagship entrepreneurship event from the 22nd to the 24th of April. The event was attended by over 40 plus participants from Bengal and Sikkim. It included students and entrepreneurs who were there to pitch for their startups. This is organized in collaboration with Techstars-Google for Startups to encourage the startup […]

Insvaganza 2022: The biggest youth fest of North Bengal

The fourth edition of Insvaganza, the cultural fest organized by Inspiria Knowledge Campus, was held on April 22nd and 23rd, 2022. It is one of the biggest cultural fest of North Bengal with more than 40 activities spanning over two days. More than 10 colleges from Siliguri and the neighboring areas took part, and well-known […]

Wine Tasting Session by Sula in Inspiria Knowledge Campus Siliguri

Wine Tasting Session by Sula

An event Wine Tasting Session by Sula has been organized by the Hospitality Department of Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri focusing on mainly 1st and 3rd-year students of the department. Mr. Soham Poddar who is the Manager-Tasting and Marketing(East) of Sula Wine was the guest speaker for the event. This session started at 11.30 am with […]

Boisakh Bhoj: The Essence of Bangaliana

baisakh bhoj

Witnessing the last year’s success of Boishaki Bhoj this year the Hospitality Department of Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri on 14th April 2022 celebrated the occasion of the Bengali New Year with mouth-watering Bengali authentic preparations and traditional decorations of the dining area of the campus. Final year students from hospitality management along with first-years took […]

Top Arts Colleges In Siliguri (Updated List 2022)

Top Arts Colleges In Siliguri

Art, as a subject, is multidimensional and infinite. It is not restricted under any scientific laws, formulas, or equations. The study of Arts creates scope for expression, analytical thinking, creativity and freedom. It develops radical and abstract mechanisms of human intelligence and skill. Literature, History, Language, Law, Performing Arts, Religion, Communication, Design, Philosophy, Music are […]

Hospital Management Colleges in Siliguri

Hospital Management college in siliguri

The Healthcare Industry has recorded unprecedented growth in the past few decades. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the growth in healthcare employment is expected to reach 26 percent in 2022. The rise of the pandemic and awareness amongst people with regard to health and hygiene has enormously contributed to its growth. This has […]